Homework at Tayyibah Girls School
Homework is work that is set to be done outside the timetabled curriculum. It contains an element of independent study which is important in raising student achievement.
Homework enhances pupil learning, improves achievement and develops pupils’ study skills and as such is an integral part of the curriculum.
Homework is intended:
• To extend and develop learning.
• To consolidate and revise prior learning.
• To further develop skills or techniques learnt in the classroom.
• To complete work begun in the classroom.
• To prepare for future learning.
• To conduct research.
• To promote independent study.
• To promote personal organisational skills.
• To enrich and extend the school curriculum.
• To prepare for internal and external exams.
Homework is set as per the timetable.
In Years 10 & 11, Homework more often takes the form of preparation for coursework and examinations.
Each pupil receives a personal planner in which to record tasks set for homework by their teacher and the date by which it is due.
The task set by the class teacher should be appropriate to the age and ability of the pupil, challenging and extending the ablest whilst allowing pupils of all abilities to access the work and progress their learning.
How can Parents help?
• Homework is important in raising achievement, encouraging independent study and consolidating learning.
• We expect pupils to do their best and we value your support.
• Check your child’s planner regularly and take an interest in what they are doing. Please sign the planner at the end of each week.
• You may occasionally see ‘none set’ if Homework has not been set for some reason (perhaps the teacher was absent or it was just not appropriate for that lesson).
• Make sure your child has a quiet and calm environment in which to work and concentrate.
• Make sure they have all the equipment and materials they will need such as pencil crayons, ruler, calculator, glue.
• Use the notes section of your child’s planner if you wish to communicate with the Form Tutor or subject teacher.
• If there is a serious concern regarding Homework then parents/carers should contact the Headteacher.
What kind of Homework may be given?
• Independent learning
• Consolidation of work in class
• Practice – learning by doing
• Learning, for example facts, vocabulary, spellings
• Research
• Reading
• Writing tasks
• Speaking tasks
• Drawing or design work
• Using ICT
• Online tasks
• Completion of coursework requirements
• Revision