Anti Bullying Week 2021

From Monday 15th November 2021 – Friday 19th November, children participated in Anti-Bullying week. This year’s theme was ‘One Kind Word’.

Pupils were taught about the importance of saying one kind word to bring about positivity. They contrasted it with the devastating effect one unkind word can have.

During PSHCE/Islam & Citizenship lessons, pupils were reminded of the forms bullying can take and then looked at ways of tackling bullying.  During Art lessons we decided to engage the pupils in a discussion about the theme of this year’s anti-bullying week “one kind word”, pupils worked to recreate this integral concept via visually striking posters that served to remind and educate others of the impact of bullying whilst also motivating pupils to display a docile compassionate nature to all their peers.


On Friday 19th November 2021, pupils participated in Odd Socks Day for the 4th year running. Odd Socks Day is about celebrating diversity and differences in the hope of understanding that everyone is unique.

Many pupils wore vibrant odd socks and also had the chance to design a pair of unique odd socks on sock templates.

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